Tag Archives: wildlife

Local competition result

I was very pleased to be contacted recently about the RX Wildlife competition into which I had submitted a few entries. My “Bearded Tit on reed” image won the wildlife category. More info can be found here along with the other winning images. All winning images were framed and displayed during the recent RX Wildlife festival at the Avocet Gallery and Team Room and as part of the prize I was able to collect my framed image this weekend. Many thanks to the organisers!

Bearded Tit perched on reed stem

Bearded Tit perched on reed stem

Posted in competitions, Photography, Wildlife Photography Also tagged , , , |

A week in Wales…

I’ve not long returned back from a week in Pembrokeshire, based out in the middle of beautiful countryside, and had a chance to finally slow down a bit and concentrate on my photography. I will be doing a full write up soon but wanted to just pop some of the images up (already on the latest images page) to give a quick glimpse into what it was like. It made me realise that I don’t slow down and concentrate enough!

Anyway, here’s a few examples –

Swallow in flight

Swallow in flight


Spotted by a Tawny Owl

Spotted by a Tawny Owl

Dragon sized bite for baby whitethroats

Dragon sized bite for baby whitethroats

Diving Pied Wagtail

Diving Pied Wagtail

An Otter hunts the pond

An Otter hunts the pond

Puffin portrait

Puffin portrait






Posted in Birds, Photography, Wildlife Photography Also tagged , , , , , |